Monday, May 13, 2013

Postal 2

Postal 2 LogoThis game, I am embarrassed to say, is VERY ENTERTAINING! It has everything! Evil cats/silencers, Gary Coleman, funny dialogue, profuse profanity, stereotypical Middle Eastern stallions, (and if you get the A Weekend in Paradise/Apocalypse Weekend Pack: Mad Cow Zombies, an uncomfortably maddening head wound, an awesome zombie siege on one of the developers' house, and as you leave Paradise, a nuclear bomb is dropped in the background). You play as Postal Dude, and go on errands for your wife, such as: delivering a present to your David Koresh-like Uncle Dave at the Compound, robbing a bank, going to your job and getting fired on the first day, and getting milk from the terrorist-owned convenience store. This game is NOT appropriate for children, and not safe for work.