Monday, May 13, 2013

Postal 2

Postal 2 LogoThis game, I am embarrassed to say, is VERY ENTERTAINING! It has everything! Evil cats/silencers, Gary Coleman, funny dialogue, profuse profanity, stereotypical Middle Eastern stallions, (and if you get the A Weekend in Paradise/Apocalypse Weekend Pack: Mad Cow Zombies, an uncomfortably maddening head wound, an awesome zombie siege on one of the developers' house, and as you leave Paradise, a nuclear bomb is dropped in the background). You play as Postal Dude, and go on errands for your wife, such as: delivering a present to your David Koresh-like Uncle Dave at the Compound, robbing a bank, going to your job and getting fired on the first day, and getting milk from the terrorist-owned convenience store. This game is NOT appropriate for children, and not safe for work.

Monday, March 4, 2013


In My Non-Humble Opinion, Terraria is an excellent game. It has beautiful music, well done art, and it's in a way, like Minecraft, but not, at the same time. It has awesome weapons (the Unreal Shotgun is my personal favorite), an interesting group of NPCs, some rather strange items (such as a bucket that can be worn on your character's head), suicidal bunnies, cool perks (Lycanthropy and Pet Bunny are the best), and flying eyeballs (all games would be better with flying eyeballs; I mean, look at this! You can't tell me that's not better!). Buy this game if you can.